January 13 2023

Zoom Link to the Quarterly Report LIVE

Please join us on Wednesday 25th January from 7pm (Melbourne time) for the first ever Quarterley Report LIVE on Zoom.

Go to this link:


Come ready to hear what I’ve been up to and what plans (Lord Willing) I have for 2023, and have some questions for me as well!

I will also be inviting anyone who might be interested in finding out about my ministry and joining the Patreon community, and if you know people who might be interested, feel free to share this link.

See you then!


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January 12 2023

Quarterly Report LIVE on Zoom!

As the Patrons who have been with me over the last year know, I make a video every three months or so, sharing what I’ve been doing and what is coming up.

I thought I’d kick off the year with a Zoom meeting for my supporters, where I’d share what I’m working on but also give time for questions. I might even open it up for anyone who is considering being a supporter.

I was think of doing it on Wednesday 25th January, either during the day or the evening.

Would you be interested?


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December 15 2022

A His-tree Lesson

For the last few months I have been researching the history of the Christmas tree in preparation for my church’s carols event which I am directing and performing in.

Our theme is “O Christmas Tree” and as Christmas trees can be thought of as a pagan idea by some Christians, I thought I’d make a series of three short videos to set the record straight.

The creation of these videos have been hanging over me for the last few weeks and stressing me out, but I’m happy to say I have just finished them!

Although they will be shown on Sunday and then posted online next week, I thought as my Patrons, you could get a sneak peak. 🙂

Check out the link and tell me what you think.
But please don’t share it anywhere til next week.




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November 27 2022

Round the Christmas Tree

Here’s a new Christmas song I have written for my church’s Community Carols event.

Our theme is “Oh Christmas Tree” and so I wanted to work out a way of writing a Christmas song about Christmas trees as well as pointing people to the gospel by the end.

As my wonderful Patrons, I thought I’d share it exclusively with you before releasing it to the world.

Note: This is song is just me sitting at home playing on my piano. Hopefully over the next few weeks, the song will be polished and improved. Hopefull with other instruments and most likely a better singer! I am looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Also, if you’d like to learn this song, I’ve attached a copy of the lyrics and chords below.


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November 17 2022

My article on Santa.

I wrote an article for The Gospel Coalition sharing my thoughts on how parents can approach the issue of Santa with their kids.

I hope, if I have any time, to write some more Christmas articles for The Gospel Coalition, and they are generally happy to publish what I write.

I have a few ideas, but if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please tell me!




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September 17 2022

Introducing Peter Samuel Camilleri

I’d like to introduce you to my son, Peter Samuel Camilleri. Born at 10:50pm on Thursday 15th September, weighing 3.8kg.

I have always loved the name Peter and wanted to call my first son that name (ever since I was around twelve).

We gave him the middle name of Samuel because of the meaning of the name in the bible…

So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.” (1 Samuel 1:20)

Read the full story in 1 Samuel 1:6-20.

As some of you may know, my wife Cat and I had been praying for another child and a sibling for our daughter Dot for many, many years now.

We were content for God to answer “no” to our prayers, knowing that His plans and His timing is perfect. But we are very grateful that He showed us this kindness. I especially feel that it is a wonderful testimony to Dot of the goodness of God and the persistence of prayer.

I have five weeks off from my normal day job (as a graphic designer) to spend time with my family of four and to help run the house in these early crazy newborn days.

I am still working on a couple of ministry projects which I will tell you about in my next quarterley report coming at the end of this month.

Thanks for your prayers and continued support!


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July 18 2022

Peterson’s Message is Not Particularly Christian

Anyone notice that there was nothing particular “Christian” about Jordan Peterson’s advice to Christian Churches?

He suggested not to waste time getting distracted by peripheral issues, but then presented another non-gospel issue (encouraging men) that he suggests we put our attention to.

It was a bit like a super long Yelp review telling a restaurant that they need to get nicer lighting in their bathroom.

Like, good advice, but not really what the restaurant is actually focused on. And did you need a 10 minute video to make that point?

In the end, it’s fine to listen to if you’ve got a spare 10 minutes. He makes some good points. But he relates to the church as purely a social institution. Christ and him crucified is not mentioned. The gospel is not mentioned. God is not even mentioned. Souls are mentioned, but who knows what he actually means by that word? He’s probably not talking about one’s eternal destiny.

So take it as an interesting secular observation. Not as a prophet telling the Body of Christ how we need to repent and return to what we should really be on about.

If you want a better version of that, I’d read Christ’s “Message to the Christian Churches” in Revelation 2-3.


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July 4 2022

Patrons Quarterley Report! April – June 2022

All the crazy stuff I’ve been up to for the last 3 months!
With a special performance at the end of the video.


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March 16 2022

Simon’s Tshirt Designs

All my Tshirt designs are now only $32
(normally $10 delivery).

You can choose the size and the colour as you can see below.

Purchasing just the image

If you want to use one of the images for your own use, you can purchase a high-quality png file of the image.

Generally, for ministry purposes, images can be purchased by giving a donation.

If however, you wish to use it in a more commercial sense, contact Simon and that can be discussed.

Please fill in the form below, telling me what you prefer and I will be in contact with you promptly.

If the design you are interested in is not featured, just pick any and clearly tell me in the notes which one you want.

Order Below:

Please consider supporting me on Patreon.


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September 8 2020

Do We Need a St Valentine?

In Melbourne at the moment, weddings are banned until we achieve an average of less than 5 new cases of Covid-19 in the entire state AND that no new cases come from an unknown source, for two weeks straight.

That means that if there is an outbreak in a country town somewhere, then even if there are no cases of Covid-19 in the rest of Victoria, then no Melbournite will be able to get married (in the eyes of the State).

Not even if the minister social distances and wears a mask and performs the ceremony through livestream.
Not even if the witnesses are viewing it via Zoom.
Not even if you only have a group of 5 and everyone involved come from two households, even though during Step 2 the DHHS website says you are allowed to have outdoor “public gatherings – up to 5 people from a maximum of two households”… Just not for a wedding apparently.

To put this in perspective, since the 16th of March there has been only 6 DAYS that achieved that benchmark. That’s right, in the last 176 days, 170 of those days would have prevented people from being allowed to marry under the Victorian Government’s current standards.

The DHHS website states that this could possibly go on indefinitely as we will only be able to transition to Step 3 (where small weddings are allowed) “once the thresholds are met; there is no set date.”

There is a petition going around asking Dan Andrews to change his mind on banning weddings. I hope it is effective.

But if it doesn’t, and the wedding ban in Victoria goes on indefinitely, at what point do Christian couples just get married and worry about the formalities later?

At what point do we remember that marriage is not created by the Government. It is created by God. The State acknowledges it, registers it, records it and grants it certain legal rights and privileges. But the State does not make people married, nor can it ban people from making vows before God, with people witnessing (even if remotely).

History tells of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, who around 270AD apparently banned weddings for the sake of the Empire. It was thought that married men love their wives and children and so don’t join the military to go off to war as willingly.

The legend goes that St Valentine defied the law and married couples in secret because he saw marriage as not a right granted (or forbidden) by the government, but a sacrament given by God.

I’m not saying we should disobey the law, even over this issue. But I do think we need something of a St Valentine attitude. Marriage is a good gift from God, and like the ancient proverb from Nike says… maybe we should “Just Do It” and worry about the paperwork after we one day meet the crazily ambitious numbers the State has currently set.

Sign the petition:


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