June 11 2016

Parents, Remember the Lord

remember the lord


This is my take on Colin Buchanan’s wonderful kid’s song, “Remember the Lord”.

His words are great, but they’re just targeted to children. I reckon we all need to remember the message of the Chorus.Click here if you want to see the official version if not continue below.

So a week out from Dorothy’s first birthday, here is my version, in honour of all first time parents.



When you bring home your baby from the hospital ward,

And you have no idea just what’s in store.

And your heart is filled with hopes and dreams

And all of the sudden they just start to scream.



Remember the Lord, oh oh.

Remember that he is in control.

Remember the Lord, oh oh.

He’s watching your children, he cares, oh oh.

Remember the Lord, oh oh. Oh, oh.


You’ve read “attachment theories” and “Baby Wise”,

But it don’t take long til you realise,

In those early days if your baby’s alive

Then you’re doin okay. Just try to survive.



When it’s half past 3 and they’re still not asleep

And you’re so exhausted you’re going to weep.

When they’re pooing and spewing and not doing great

Cos the breast feeding hurts and they’re not gaining weight.



When you keep comparing your kid to theirs

When one can’t roll and the other climbs stairs

When one is bald and the other has hairs

When one steals toys and the other one shares

When one’s expressive and one just stares

When one’s a dream and the other, nightmare

When you know as a Christian you shouldn’t compare

But you’re trying really hard so it’s hard not to care.



When you want them to grow in their spiritual life

And you think it’s all up to you and your wife

For modelling gospel faithfulness

But you really need grace cos your life is a mess.



Now I don’t want you to think that havin kids ain’t fun

But it tests your character from day one

It exposes your pride. It bears your soul.

It reveals who you really think’s in control… So…




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March 3 2013

“It’s a Phoney, Phoney World” a song

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an original song by Simon Camilleri

This song has been a fun piece to write. It’s a challenge to me to engage with real life and real people and to unplug myself from the online world.

I still struggle with this daily as I realise my dependance on (and addiction to) technology.

I only hope this tune is so catchy that I start to follow it’s advice to “put your phone away”!

Download the words and chords here!

Perform your own version of the song, post it to YouTube and I’ll embed it below!



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September 4 2012

“I Want a Girl Who Fears Yahweh” – song


This is my version of Proverbs 31:10-31, to the tune of “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” by Cake.

For those that don’t know the passage, the woman described is actually a personification of Wisdom. It is not meant to be (thank God) a check-list for godly women!

This comes right at the end of King Solomon’s collection of wise sayings, known as the Book of Proverbs. Wisdom is always portrayed as a woman and he ends his book by summing up all the things he has said about how to live a wise life – working hard, being prudent etc. His climax is the final line that says that although beauty doesn’t last, the ultimate defining characteristic of wisdom is the fear of Yahweh (“Yahweh” is the name for God). This echoes what he says near the beginning of the book in Proverbs 9:10, “the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom”.

The “fear of Yahweh” is an odd concept in today’s culture where we value conquering our fears and see those who instill fear in others as cruel or just a bully.

Some people try to soften the idea down to say that “fear” really just means “respect” or “awe” and although this is true, the word also means, “be afraid of” pure and simple.

I equate it to the sun. The sun is glorious and life-giving. But you don’t go hugging the sun. You shouldn’t even stare at the sun, it is too brilliant. True we should give the sun respect and awe, but at the same time it is foolishness to forget the consequences of treating the sun with disrespect or apathy. In this regard, we fear the sun. When we are where we should be and we relate to the sun as it truly is – a giant ball of burning fire hotter than anything you can imagine – then we can enjoy it’s warmth and light.

God is a bit like that, although I know the analogy has LOTS of holes.

Anyway, that’s off the topic. Here’s my song.

Download the MP3 here 

and read the words below.


I want a girl of noble character.
Oh who can find a wife like that?
She has a worth that shines like rubies.
Her husband’s confident and doesn’t lack.

 I want a girl who brings forth good.
Good not harm all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax. She’s working with her hands.
She brings food like the merchant ships – that’s my kinda wife.

I want a girl not who’s hot
But who feeeeears… Yahweh!

I want a girl who gets up early.
I want a girl who provides food for all.
She’s considering a field. She’s buying her own vineyard.
She works really hard and her arms are strong.

 She sees that her trading makes profit.
Her lamp doesn’t go out at night.
In her hand she holds the distaff
and her fingers grasps the spindle tight.

I want a girl not who’s hot
But who feeeeears… Yahweh!

Her arms are open to the poor and needy.
And when it snows, she isn’t scared.
For all her family are clothed in scarlet.
And see the fine, purple linen that she wears.

Her husband honoured at the city gate,
He takes his seat among the elders of the land.
She’s making linen garments. She’s going out to sell them.
She supplies the sashes to the merchant man.

I want a girl not who’s hot
But who feeeeears… Yahweh!

She is clothed with strength and dignity.
She can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks always with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

 She runs her household and isn’t lazy
Her children rise and call her blessed;
Her husband gives her praises saying,
“Many women are noble, but your the best.”

I want a girl not who’s hot
But who feeeeears… Yahweh!

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.



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May 28 2012

The Day the Zombies Invade

This is a song I wrote on the 18th of March 2012
and performed for Bundy Unplugged on the 27th May, 2012.

Bundy Unplugged is a fundraising variety night that my church puts on every year.

Vocals: Simon Camilleri
Bass: Aaron Liew
Drums: William Veith
Guitar: Lachlan Kingsford

Download a pdf of Chords and Lyrics here!

(perform your own version of the song and post it on YouTube and I’ll include it on this blog!)


Verse 1

He turns on the Playstation.
She always shakes her head.
What is this fascination
he has got with killing the undead?

While other guys are workin
to pay the rent and bills
He’s workin really hard
to polish up his zombie killin skills



The day when the zombies invade
You’ll go runnin to those boys playin games
Cos when that day comes they’re the only ones
Who can fight off a horde who wants to eat your brains
So please don’t complain
And don’t show disdain…
I know it’s 2am honey, but I have to train
For the day those zombies invade

Verse 2

D’you even know what weapon
you need in close combat?
You’ve grabbed a sniper rifle.
What are you gunna do with that??

A true survivor chooses
the combo shotgun axe!
And you say it is useless
that he knows all these kinda facts, but



The day when the zombies invade
You’ll go runnin to those boys playin games
Cos when that day comes they’re the only ones
Who can fight off a horde who wants to eat your brains
So please don’t complain
And don’t show disdain…
I know it’s 2am honey, but I have to train
For the day those zombies invade



My mummy… She taught me
It’s better safe than sorry
The scouts they… made us say
Always to be prepared

Don’t fancy… your chancy
If you met necromancy
Why you rollin your eyes? Aren’t you scared??

Verse 3

He is now 37.
He’s moved back with his mum.
He’s bunkered in the basement.
Never knowin when they will come

He now plays on four consoles.
Gaming throughout the night
We laugh but who’ll be laughin,
when we actually find he was right!



The day when the zombies invade
We’ll all go runnin to those boys playin games
Cos when that day comes they’re the only ones
Who can fight off a horde who wants to eat your brains
So please don’t complain
And don’t show disdain…
I know it’s 2am mummy, but I have to train
For the day those zombies…
Those flesh-eatin zombies…
The day the zombies invade 

The Zombie Bite Calculator


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