April 25 2020

Where’s Wally? – a poem


Amidst the crowd there is a man
Unique among the rest
To seek and find his funny face
Was always quite a test

You might search among the palm trees
In their leaves he might be hidden
Or behind a stack of papers
Of the poems he has written 

Take a peek around the guitars
You can listen for his sound
For behind a tune and heartfelt words 
He often can be found 

You could look among the larrikins 
He’s the best amongst those blokes
With his lightning wit and cheeky grin 
And even cheekier jokes

Though if you a see a glorious sunrise
You won’t his find his face within
Cos he’ll be behind the camera 
Capturing that which captures him

And you might not find him there at all
If he received an invitation
He would show he cared by being there
For a special occasion

But now my eyes are scanning 
For his face amongst the crowd
Past palms and poems and old guitars
He now can not be found 

Where’s Wally? He is missing 
So I’ll take one final look
And entrust him to the Author
Of this sadly now-closed book

By Simon Camilleri

Dedicated to my favourite uncle, Wally Donovan
Who died unexpectantly on Saturday 25th April 2020

Download a copy of this poem here.


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Posted April 25, 2020 by Simon in category "Family", "Poetry", "Uncategorized


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