October 25 2022

The Ministry of Public Bible Reading

I recently was asked by The Gospel Coalition Australia to write an article on the ministry of public Bible reading.

This is a topic that I love and am passionate about, and although it was a challenge to finish the article with a newborn baby, I eventually did. Have a read of it here:



I not only love the ministry of public Bible reading, I also love to train church bible readers and I have done so for years at my church, Bundoora Presbyterian in Melbourne.

I am now in the process of putting together this training into a resource that other churches can use to equip their Bible readers to read with clarity, comprehension and conviction.

I have also purchased a domain name which will eventually be a website where I can make this resource available. At the moment though, it links to an Interest Form for those wanting access to this resource when it is complete.

If you are interested, please express your interest here:


I only put the form up a few days ago and already there has been lots of interest from churches in Australia, Singapore and the US. I feel that this may be one of the areas of ministry God may be preparing me for in 2023. I am so grateful to those who support me through Patreon, as I couldn’t do all this without their partnership.


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Posted October 25, 2022 by Simon in category "Resource

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