October 15 2018

The Bible – 8 Talks by Neil Chambers

The Bible: 8 talks by Rev Neil Chambers

Ever wondered what it really means to call the bible the “Word of God”?

Can we trust that the words in the book we hold are a reliable record?

How does our understanding of the Bible shape the way we read and interpret it?

Discover answers to these and many more questions in this brilliant collection of 7 hours of Rev Neil Chambers’ insightful, scholarly and in-depth teaching on the Christian understanding of the Bible.

Presented during the 2018 Winter Teaching Series at Bundoora Presbyterian Church.

Note: Unfortunately, a few of the talks start halfway through Neil’s first sentence.

Why is it God’s Word?

Talk 1:


Talk 2:


Is My Translation Reliable?

Talk 1:


Talk 2:


How Can it Be Reliably Interpreted?

Talk 1:


Talk 2:


Talk 3:


Talk 4:




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Posted October 15, 2018 by Simon in category "Bible Study", "Christianity", "Spirituality", "Theology

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