Easter according to John

Special Announcement!
If you don’t know this about me, one of the artforms I have loved to explore over the last 20 years is something called “Biblical Storytelling”. Basically, it is committing to memory large sections of Scripture (usually narrative texts) and performing them with the dramatic passion that they deserve!
This Easter I am preparing a performance of John 17-20. Four epic chapters covering Jesus’ arrest, trial death and resurrection from John’s gospel.
I am offering this performance to churches in Victoria, Australia and so if you know of any churches that might be interested in booking a performance, please pass it on.

It probably will go for around 45 minutes and could be done either as part of a larger service or as a stand-alone performance (maybe with accompanying songs or gospel talk).
My fee would be $400.
At present, I am looking for bookings on Good Friday, Easter Saturday & Easter Sunday (morning and evening).
If this is something your church might be interested in, please get someone to contact me at: thebackyardbard@gmail.com
Or fill in the form below:
What does Biblical Storytelling look like?
If you have never seen me perform biblical storytelling or you can’t imagine how one person just reciting the bible could keep people’s attention, then check out these videos below:
If you have booked Simon you can download these graphic elements to help you advertise your event: