February 17 2010

About Simon

Hey, I’m Simon Camilleri. I was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1978 and have lived in this great city all my life.

I am many things.

First and foremost, I am a man forgiven and in relationship with God thanks to Jesus. I am a Christian. I could have said that first, but I thought the title “Christian” has a lot of baggage for many people. It comes across to some as just a religious affiliation box that gets ticked.

I was going to say that I am a follower of Jesus, which seems a more hip way of saying Christian, but even that is heaped with misconceptions. It seems to put the focus on my committment to Jesus, when in all honesty, I am often half-hearted, apathetic and stubbornly self-righteous when it comes to following Jesus.

Primarily, being a Christian isn’t about your committment or who you follow. It’s not about you at all. It’s about Jesus. It’s about who he is and what he has done.

So sure I aim to follow Jesus for the rest of my life, but ultimately, if you want to know who I am in terms of me being a Christian, you should know me, not as a follower, but one who has been forgiven for all the times I don’t follow. Know me not as one committed to Jesus, but as one who has experienced just how committed Jesus is to me. I am one who has been rescued out of darkness and death and by God’s grace and wonderful work on the cross, I have been brought into friendship with God, and now I walk with God every day. Sometimes reluctantly, often half-heartedly, but never alone. I am a Christian.

That is who I am first and foremost.

Apart from that (or maybe, built on top of that) I am also the following things:

  • A man
  • A husband
  • A father
  • An active member of my Presbyterian Church
  • A Graphic Designer at a funeral parlour
  • A Biblical Storyteller
  • An entertainer who plays the piano, sings, writes comic poetry, does magic tricks, invents board games and can juggle.
  • A friend
  • A son
  • A brother

I have started this blog just for a bit of fun, but I hope it will also help me put some of my thoughts down so I don’t have to bug everyone with them! I hope you find it an interesting and enjoyable read.

Please write comments!

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  1. By Sue Ellen on

    Yay, I’m the first to comment! Oh right… now I need to say something. đŸ˜€

    Good post and great description of being a Christian… I’m looking forward to reading more posts. (Is now the time to confess my blog-reading addiction??)

  2. By Andrew Deeming on

    Good, clear points on describing yourself as a ‘christian’ always tough to accurately describe

  3. By Cecilia on

    hello Simon. I am randomly commenting on your blog because I was involved in a writerly conversation about another person with your surname and you were dragged into the conversation without your knowledge so I thought I would tell you you were being google stalked. happy New year and may I just say I think you look very handsome with glasses.

  4. By Charlie Griffith on

    How can I get a copy of the poem Santa learned the gospel? I portray Santa and will be happy to use this as a tool. Especially when I visit churches.

  5. By Charlie Griffith on

    Simon, I would like to make a donation in order to make a purchase. I would like to use PayPal. Do you except PayPal?

  6. By Noel M Pentony on

    I read your “Our Father Who Art in Parliament”. It is true about lip service by those who do not realize that it is not them it is about WHO GOD IS. JESUS FINISHED THE WORK OF SALVATION.

  7. By Kristie Bink on

    I am reaching out to you from the United States in snow covered in Michigan. I have sent you a PM on Facebook which includes a bit more detail, but in short, I would like your permission to perform your Christmas parody (or some songs from it) with my high school choir this coming Christmas. I am just so moved and I think they would too. Please inform me of how I might make it possible to bring this work to my school.
    Thank you,
    Kristie Bink

  8. By Kathy Daane on

    Hi, Simon!
    Here is another reader reaching out to you from the United States, this time from sunny southern California. Gosh, I’d love to chat with you in person about so many things that you and I have in common, particularly in storytelling and the gospel! But at the moment, I want to see about gaining your permission to use some of your writings in the publication of a daily devotional magazine called Anchor and published by Haven Ministries. I am the editor and one of its writers. When you get a chance, could you drop me a line and I can fill you in?
    Thank you! Kathy Daane

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